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Flexible Support Packages for Family Services

Flexible Funding (FF) is made available to Child and Family Services Alliances by the Department of Families Fairness and Housing.  The funding is accessible to DFFH funded Child and Family Service Providers to support the delivery of child and family services within area. 

  1. Principles of flexible funding

As per the Program Requirements for family and early parenting services in Victoria, the use of flexible funding must be focused on outcomes and clearly link to the implementation and achievement of goals in the Child and Family Action Plan.

It is used to:

•  enable families to make positive and enduring change that will increase parenting capacity, improve family functioning and promote the safety, wellbeing and development of their children and young people.

•  provide practical support and services to minimise children, young people and families requiring more intensive intervention.

Allocation of flexible funding must be prioritised based on an assessment of greatest need and anticipated positive impacts on children’s safety, stability and development.

It is important to note that whilst the use of flexible support funds to provide practical assistance is helpful in engaging parents, providing practical help is only one aspect of the intervention. If the underlying issues leading to the need for family services intervention are not addressed, then small changes brought about using flexible funding are unlikely to make a sustained difference.

Click here to apply for an FSP

COVID provisions guidelines

COVID provisions have now ceased.

Flexible Package Guidelines

Principles of flexible funding:

As per the Program Requirements for family and early parenting services in Victoria, the use of flexible funding must be focussed on outcomes and clearly link to the implementation and achievement of goals in the Child and Family Action Plan.

It is used to:

• enable families to make positive and enduring change that will increase parenting capacity, improve family functioning and promote the safety, wellbeing and development of their children and young people.

• provide practical support and services to minimise children, young people and families requiring more intensive intervention.

Allocation of flexible funding must be prioritised based on an assessment of greatest need and anticipated positive impacts on children’s safety, stability and development.

It is important to note that whilst the use of flexible support funds to provide practical assistance is helpful in engaging parents, providing practical help is only one aspect of the intervention. If the underlying challenges leading to the need for family services intervention are not addressed, then small changes brought about using flexible funding are unlikely to make a sustained difference

BPA Child and Family Services funding should be utilised according to the above priorities and where other sources of community funding are not available. It is important to note alternative sources of funding that have been explored on your application to ensure swift processing.

Alliance Flexible funding is intended to provide a one-off package of support to vulnerable children, young people and their families (inclusive of unborn, infants, children, young people, mothers, fathers, parents, siblings, carers, and carer families) accessing support through Child and Family Services , this includes;

- Integrated Family Services (Brief, Foundation and Sustained Cases)
- Intensive Family Services (Good Shepherd PUP)

As agreed by Alliance Agencies, a subsequent FF application for the same family may be submitted for consideration, should there be exceptional circumstances. A rationale for this must be clearly articulated in the application and supported in writing by the Program Manager. This rationale will be recorded on the DHHS funding acquittal.

Flexible funding cannot be used for the following purposes:

  • Illegal activity
  • Gambling
  • Products or services not identified in Family Action Plans, or for emergency material aid.
  • Free or low-cost services readily available within the community
    To replace or duplicate supports available through other funding sources (eg general case management)
  • Repayment of personal debts – except in exceptional circumstances and with Program Manager support. This recognises that in many cases it would be more helpful to support families by working on budgeting or supporting a parent to advocate for a payment plan, or apply for NILS loans via Good Shepherd Microfinance as well as working alongside a financial advisor to support long term financial capacity building and debt consolidation.

Flexible Packages will not be provided for goods or services that are not identified in the Child and Family Action Plan goals and activities or to replace or duplicate supports that are available through other funding sources such as:

  • Family Violence Flexible Funding
  • Local, State or Commonwealth programs (e.g. Safe at Home, Private Rental Access Programs).

All other funding options should be explored and exhausted prior to application (options previously utilised and explored should also be outlined in the application). Please see Alternative Sources of Funding (link)

Finally, goods are services sought in package applications should represent the most economical option available to ensure the greatest impact of funding use across the Bayside Peninsula Area.

Of high priority, is the funding of goods or services that maximise protective factors for children and young people, ensuring their safety and wellbeing and the minimisation of risk factors.

Providers of the Victorian and Aboriginal Family Preservation and Reunification (AFPRR & FPRR) have flexible funding allocated within their funding and should access this for clients within their programs. This also applies to Integrated Family Services (IFS+) (200 hour intensive targets).

Request Outcome 
Assessments Yes
Bikes/Scooters/Trampolines Can be funded given appropriate supportive recommendations
Bond or rent Consider NILS loan. Cannot be funded under FSP
Car registration Consider NILS loan
Car repairs Consider NILS loan in first instance. Can be approved by case-by-case allocation
Counselling/Psychology Explore mental health care plan initially and other community supports. FSPs can fund following exploration of long term sustainability and need
Gym memberships FSPs can support a joining fee but not ongoing costs of membership. Explore free and low cost community options for exercise options
Home setup/Furniture Essential items such as bed frames/mattresses/vacuum cleaners can be funded. Explore community supports for smaller home items such as bed sheets/small kitchen items.
Medical expenses Non-urgent: Not funded

Urgent medical requests: Can be funded on a case-by-case basis once Medical and NILS have been explored in the first instance

Play Therapy Consider parenting groups such as Early Help or ParentZone as a more long-term support. May be considered upon special request
Self care/massage Not funded except under special consideration for families who provide physically demanding caring responsibilities under case by case alllocation
Sports/Dance/Martial arts/extra curricular activities Explore options for family to continue payment once FSP has ceased. FSPs may consider funding half with family to contribute half the cost providing time to explore longer term payment opportunities
Swimming lessons Funded following exploration of Get Active Vouchers and/or local Life Saving Club
Technology Can be funded where item supports action plan – please ensure most cost effective option is chosen
Therapies Initial exploration of Victims of Crime or Escaping Family Violence funding. Where other community supports cannot fund, therapies may be considered
Utility Bills Before utilising FSPs for utility bills, exploration of debt relief through utility companies, financial counselling and payment plans must be explored. Bills may be funded in exceptional circumstances only, and all alternative supports noted on application.
Whitegoods Consider NILS loan. FSP to fund crucial whitegoods only (fridge/washing machine/vacuum cleaner). Dryers not approved
Vouchers Not approved/do not meet DFFH guidlines

The following is a summary of the package approval process (see note below for additional information regarding assessments)

Package amount Approval level

  • Up to $1162: Team Leader
  • Between $1162 and $1500:Program Manager

Greater than $1500:  Program Manager + Alliance deputy chair. Packages >$1500 will automatically go to the deputy chair for approval. Please note these packages may experience delays due to additional approval required.


Packages to support assessments only up to $2500: approval by agency Program Manager. Assessments greater than $2500 require program manager + deputy chair approval.



The Alliance Partnership Facilitator reviews and approves applications up to the Alliance agreed maximum package amount, currently $1028.50. Decisions are made according to these Guidelines.

Applications in excess of $1028.50, but not exceeding $1500, require secondary endorsement by the relevant agency Program Manager (or equivalent) in writing.

Applications in excess of $1500 require approval of the Deputy Chair of the Child and Family Services Alliance. This provides some independent oversight from the Facilitating Agency (Anglicare Victoria), of whom employs the Partnership Facilitator

The above financial decision making applies to single applications, as well as to subsequent applications. The financial value of a subsequent application is added to the previous approved package total and the indicative sum value is subject to the decision making.

5.2 Non-Approval of Applications

Where the Partnership Facilitator makes a decision of non-approval regarding an application for Alliance Flexible Funding, this will communicated in writing to the practitioner and agency Team Leader of equivalent. This communication will be accompanied by a rationale and will reference the Guidelines that have informed the decision making.

Agencies may seek to have a non-approval decision reviewed. In this case, the relevant Program Manager or equivalent will communicate this with the Partnership Manager and direct negotiation with occur. Dispute resolution processes are articulated in the Bayside Peninsula Child and Family Alliance Memorandum of Understanding.

5.3 Guideline Decisions

Flexible Funding decision making is the responsibility of the Management Group of the Bayside Peninsula Child and Family Services Alliance. Decision making utilises to consensus decision making model, as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding. The package amount is subject to review and decision making of this group, according to expenditure tracking throughout the financial year.

As Anglicare are the lead agency and facilitate the payment of FSPs, for purchase of an item or service the following is required:

  • tax invoice made out to Anglicare Victoria must be provided for the correct amount of the item or service requested. Invoices made out to clients or to other agencies cannot be accepted and will result in a delay in processing of applications.
  • This process is required even when paying via BPay for taxation purposes

Alternatively, if an item is being purchased online and can be paid for by credit card, a link to the item for purchase can be provided. In this instance, a tax invoice is not required.

Additionally, the below information is also required:

  • Consent form
  • Package ID (provided via email upon receipt of application)
  • Relevant team leader/program manager approvals (these will automatically go via email when you complete the online form. Please ensure you enter the details of your TL/Program manager or whoever is acting in their position).


* This system may be impacted by application demand, practitioners will be advised where delays in processing are experienced.


  1. Agencies must remain “open” with the family for which they are applying for funding for the duration of the application process.
  2. Agencies must not engage in the purchasing of goods and services until the application is approved (as per the Client Consent & Disclaimer Form).
  3. The actual purchase amount for any goods must not exceed 10% of the approved Package. If the purchase price has increased by more than 10% admin will communicate with the practitioner and the Flexible Package Request must be re-submitted.
  4. Applications with incomplete documentation will be cancelled after a period of 28 days (from the date of receipt of application). The practitioner will be advised in writing and may re-apply at a later stage when all necessary documentation is available.
  5. Packages cannot fund any service that has occurred prior to formal approval of the FSP. It is advised that you wait to book any appointments or services until after you have received formal approval of the package.


When a referral is received from The Orange Door (TOD) that states a request for funding, you are able to request that TOD fund this under their brokerage as this has been identified within their initial assessment and intake phase. TOD brokerage guidelines are to:

• address the immediate needs of people and families
• enhance their safety, stability and development
• provide practical support earlier in the service delivery system, such as at access and intake
• divert them from entering further into the service system if this is not needed
• proactively engage them to enter the service system where required.

IFS can request TOD brokerage within reasonable timelines within IFS acceptance and there are clear goals that state the need for the funding request.

Once Integrated Family Services identify new goals during their period of service, these requests do not fit criterion for funding under TOD brokerage.

Please see TOD brokerage guidelines here.

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