Prahran Place Playgroup provides children aged 0-5 with an indoor and outdoor space for parents and/or carers to attend with children and experience play in an unstructured, open-ended way with a large variety of toys and equipment.

Price: $22 for 11 weeks

Access the flyer here

Prahran Place Playgroup provides children aged 0-5 with an indoor and outdoor space for parents and/or carers to attend with children and experience play in an unstructured, open-ended way with a large variety of toys and equipment.

Price: $10 for 10 weeks

Access the flyer here

A new therapeutic that Emerge Women & Children Support Services will be implementing in Term One 2025 with referrals open now.

This program is designed to support children aged 8–12 who exhibit challenging behaviours in their homes, as well as their mothers who have experienced family violence.
Back on Track has been designed to fill the gap in service to delivery for children in middle childhood 8-12 years who are using challenging behaviours towards the safe parent. Back on Track uses group and child-parent therapy held over twenty weeks in the Bayside, Kingston council area. The program is open to anyone who can travel to the this area. We do have very limited funds to support travel if required.

Emerge provides specialised family violence recovery and therapeutic support for women and children who have experienced family violence. The service is available for families who are residing in our high security refuge and for families living in the wider community.

If you have any questions or would like a referral form for possible participants, please contact [email protected]

What about Me? has been developed to support primary school aged children who have experienced family separation and/or reside with only one of their parents. The program aims to address the impact of separation and parental conflict and provides support to children in a safe environment.

Access flyer here

Join other parents and learn more about parenting and how best to support your child’s development and behaviour.

This 9-week Solihull parenting program is for parents and carers with children aged up to 8 years. You’ll explore a range of topics from having fun together through to tackling challenging behaviours.

This program will be held in a mixed-delivery method format with some sessions in person held at Parkdale Family and Children’s Centre and some held online via Zoom. 

Anyone who is a parent/carer of children between 0-8, and living, working or studying in the City of Kingston can attend.

Click here to view flyer

SafeCare is a parenting program for parents and caregivers of children aged 0-5 years. SafeCare educators work with families to increase the positive interactions they have with their child, keep their child healthy and make their home safe.

SafeCare topic areas

Parent Child Interaction/Parent Infant Interaction (PCI/PII)

This module helps parents and caregivers to increase the positive interactions they have with their child during play and daily activities. PCI can also help to reduce challenging behaviours in young children.


This module helps parents and caregivers prepare for when their child is sick or injured and recognise when symptoms need emergency care, a doctor’s appointment or can be cared for at home. Parents and caregivers are given a health manual and shown how to maintain good health records and keep children as healthy as possible.

Home Safety

This module helps parents and caregivers to identify and remove common household hazards and understand the importance of child supervision.

The SafeCare approach

Educators begin each topic with an observation. Educators then work with the parents or caregivers to develop their skills, with a final observation undertaken at the end of the topic.

SafeCare educators conduct weekly home visits, with the program being completed in 18 sessions.

There are also options to deliver some of the program online if necessary.

Space 4 Us is a peer support group for young people who have a parent, carer or family member living with mental health challenges either in the home or in their family network.

The group runs for 6 weeks and is free to participants living in the Bayside Peninsula area. The program aims to give children and young people opportunities to:

• Enjoy food together and have fun doing activities

• Try out different games and crafts

• Meet others with similar experiences

• Receive information and support

• Learn about healthy coping strategies and ways to look after your wellbeing

• Talk about mental health challenges

Join us for a fun afternoon with other young people while learning about looking after yourself and your wellbeing

Click on the URL here to complete the Group Work Registration Form. If you would like to attend our free group work.

12 – 16 year olds with a family member who experiences mental health challenges

Community Bubs focuses on strengthening families and helping parents to overcome risks and challenges in the early stages following their child’s birth, or in the final months of pregnancy to prepare for their arrival. It is an outreach program which identifies the family’s needs and supports them to work towards meeting their goals with the support of a skilled and trained practitioner. It also assists the family to link with a range of community-based support services utilising a case management model. Community Bubs aims to create a legacy of change which can be sustained, ensuring the wellbeing of the infant and parent when services are withdrawn.

How Community Bub Works

If a parent is in the last trimester of their pregnancy, or a family has a child under the age of 6 months old, Family Life’s Community Bubs program is able to provide case management support and assistance. Community Bubs combines intensive home visiting by professionals across a period of 6 – 9 months. Practitioners have a strong focus on aiding families to connect with their local community, providing opportunities for their babies to thrive. The program operates under the Best Interest Practice Guidelines and utilises a range of theoretical frameworks, including Attachment Theory, Trauma-Informed approaches, Feminist and Empowerment Theory and is underpinned by a strengths-based approach. Highly-skilled and trained practitioners utilise tools to plan and track progress, including the use of Family Action Plans and Outcome Stars

Program Objectives

• implementing a case management model to support family members to link with a range of support services, including (but not limited to): counselling, mediation, family violence, financial counselling and mental health services

• providing advocacy and referrals to appropriate support services through use of a care team approach • building the self-esteem and confidence of family members and caregivers

• providing psycho-education regarding parenting skills and attachment-based strategies

• educating family members on infant development and ways to support developmental milestones

• supporting family members who have experienced family violence and educating families on the impact of family violence on child development • improving communication skills between family members

 • exploring further education and / or work opportunities across the family

• to provide a safe environment for the client and create opportunities to work through their trauma

• to identify and build on the current strengths and positive attributes of each family member

• to develop the family’s self-care routines through a trauma and client centred approach

 • provide a tailored and individualised intervention, using internal and external supports to best meet the needs of the family Referral Criteria

• Referrals can be taken for the Community Bubs Program when the mother is in the last trimester of her pregnancy, or the baby is under 6 months of age.

How to refer:

Referrals can be made via the Bayside Peninsula
Orange Door – 1800 319 353. Alternatively,
self-referral can be made by contacting the
Family Life Families & Community Team:
(03) 8599 5433
[email protected]
197 Bluff Road, Sandringham VIC 3191

• Community Bubs is currently taking referrals for families residing in the City of Bayside and Kingston

A free program for parents and carers of young people aged 10 to 18.

Would you like to:

Our six week Tuning into Teens program teaches parents how to help their teen develop emotional intelligence

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A free parenting program for parents of children aged 3 – 10.

Would you like to learn how to:

• be better at talking with your child?
• be better at understanding your child?
• help your child learn to manage their emotions?
• help to prevent behaviour problems in your child?
• teach your child to deal with conflict?

Tuning into Kids® will teach you how to help your child understand and manage feelings

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