Men’s Services

Men’s Services


  U-Turn Men’s Behaviour Change Program
Description U-Turn is an early intervention, men’s behaviour change style program for males on interim & final IVO’s where alcohol and other drugs (AOD) have been present (either historically or currently), focusing on the impacts of male family violence on women and children.
Referral Process Email: [email protected] or Call: 95320811
Mode of Delivery
  • U-Turn is a closed group running weekly at 5:30pm – 7:30pm
  • Can provide additional AOD support
Period of Engagement 15 weeks
Eligibility Criteria Low to medium AOD and Mental health complexity. 
Waitlist Waitlist dependent on number of referrals. U-Turn is a closed group, Group will start when there are enough participants.


  Changing Ways
Description Comprehensive Case Management supporting men with various issues, such as poor mental health, Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) use, and difficulties in family relationships.
Referral Process Referrals are through the Frankston Hospital Emergency Department and relevant Wards and Peninsula Health’s community-based AOD and mental health programs. 
Mode of Delivery Case Management including outreach.
Period of Engagement Not capped
Eligibility Criteria
  • Men presenting with mental health and/or AOD needs at Frankston Hospital Emergency Department
  • Living in Bayside Peninsula Area
  • 18 years or over
  • Recent incident of family violence
  • Presents a ‘serious risk’ as per MARAM
  • Willing to engage in support for their psychosocial, mental health and/or AOD needs
  • Open to working with a practitioner in care planning & goal setting
Waitlist None


Men’s Behaviour Change Program
CMCOP Talk4Change
Description The Men’s Behaviour Change Program is a program which invites men to explore their use of Family Violence in a safe environment. The Men’s Behaviour change Program unpacks complex topics and behaviours while challenging set societal expectations and privileges which may be experienced by men. A Mandated program which invites men to explore their use of Family Violence in a safe environment. Talk4Change Pilot Program aims to provide a tailored individualised approach to Men’s Behaviour Change that combines both group based and individual therapeutic sessions for men who use violence, in a supportive, understanding, and helpful environment.
Referrals Process Online form via Family Life Website, Phone call via Operations, referral from Corrections Victoria or other services.  Referrals are only able to come from a Magistrate within a partnership court. Email to [email protected] with TALK4CHANGE identified in the subject line
Mode of Delivery
  • We currently do not provide outreach in this program.
  • Groups are provided face to face or online
  • Groups run weekly through multiple different modalities
  • The program runs for 20 sessions, equating to 40 hours of group work.
  • In addition, there is 4x individual counselling sessions (one hour) as per the mandated order
10 individual therapeutic sessions alongside 10 group based sessions in order to meet program requirements. This is a therapeutic intervention with no case management attached.

This intervention will take approximately 13-15 weeks to complete.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Issues of Family Violence present, which involves an intimate partner.
  • Significant AOD or Mental Health issues may impact on their ability to attend group. 
Deemed eligible by the respondent practitioner at court.  
Current Waitlist Approximately 4 months Approximately 4 months No waitlist


Stepping Forward
Dads in Focus Support4Change
Description Stepping Forward is a post-participation program for men who have completed the Men’s Behaviour Change Program in the last 12 months and who are currently not using family violence. This is especially for those in the ‘learning new ways’ and ‘being respectful’ stages of the journey of change. Dads in focus is an intensive, wrap around services for fathers with a focus on developing healthy family relationships. The aim is to assist fathers to gain awareness of the impact of their parenting choices on their children and to help them develop more positive, child focused parenting skills. Dads in focus offers participants a tailored, therapeutic approach to address their parenting choices. The Case Management Program for Adults using
family violence focuses on:

  • Supporting adults using family violence to take responsibility for and stop their use of violence
  • Providing an individualised response by coordinating access to specialist services
  • Assisting in engagement with programs that aim to stop family violence and address barriers 
Referrals Process Currently only accepting internal referrals from Family Life. Internal MBCP clients can refer through facilitators. Previous clients could also call to enquire. Online form via Family Life Website, Phone call via Operations, referral from Corrections Victoria or other services
Mode of Delivery Clients attend a 2hr group session every fortnight. Currently online. Dads in focus services are provided online or face to face. 6-8 individual case management sessions
Engagement Period 4-6 months Dependent on needs of Father. Adults using family violence who:

  • Are aged 18 years or over
  • Want to take responsibility for their actions and want support to end their use of violent and abusive behaviours.
  • Have used family violence against their partner and/ or family or kinship member
  • Identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or have English as a secondary language, and require support to access culturally appropriate specialist services.

And at least one of the following:

  • Have been removed from the home as a result of using violence against family members
  • Have been assessed as unsuitable for a MBCP
Eligibility Criteria Completed MBCP in the last 12 months and are currently not using family violence.
  • Fathers
  • Must live in the Frankston and Mornington Peninsula areas.
  • Father has had an IVO in place
  • History of federal or family court, or child services involvement.
2-4 weeks


  A Better Way
Description Is a community-based program that works directly with Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal fathers who use controlling behaviours and/or violence against their family.
Referral Process TOD, CP, DJCS, Self Referrals
Mode of Delivery Case Management including outreach.


  MBCP Group Post-Participation Group Men’s case management
Description A 20-week group that is delivered face to face. All groups are run after hours from 6.30 – 8.15 pm. In the group sessions, men are encouraged to focus on themselves, what brought them to the group and what gets in the way of them being the man that they want to be. We cover a number of topics including what is violence and abuse, communication, masculinity, feelings and how to manage intense emotions, fathering. This group is for men who have completed the 20 weeks MBCP group and are wanting some support on their journey towards non-violence. for men who are not yet suitable for MBCP group/ and or requiring additional support to MBCP group.
Referral Process Men to contact our triage team at [email protected] or phone 03 9684 4281 Internal referrals only for men that have completed 20 weeks MBCP group. Men to contact our triage team at [email protected] or phone 03 9684 4281
Mode of Delivery Face-to-face group work with individual case management if necessary. Online group work with individual case management if necessary. Looking to move in-person shortly. Case management via phone or face to face sessions. Can be offered both during work hours or some after hours appointments are available.
Period of Engagement 20 weeks ~ 40 hours They are rolling open groups, attendance duration is up to the men. Dependent on goals at assessment. Men may have a few group readiness sessions prior to commencing 20-week MBCP group.
Eligibility Men need to acknowledge their use of violence. Men need to have completed 20-week MBCP group. Men need to establish goals on which to work.
Waitlist Men are booked in for an assessment at the time of the referral- there is no wait list for referrals, there may be a waitlist for groups but men will be offered additional support whilst waiting for a group to commence. None None


  Men Exploring Non-violent solutions (MENS) Program
Description The Men Exploring Non-violent Solutions (MENS) program runs behaviour change groups for men who have used violent, abusive and/controlling behaviours with the family and want to stop using these behaviours. The safety of women and children is a priority.
Referral Process Call 1300 665 781 to gain more information to access the service.
Mode of Delivery Group work
Period of Engagement N/A
Eligibility Men who are having difficulty in their relationships.
Waitlist Men are booked in for an assessment at the time of the referral- there is no wait list for referrals, there may be a waitlist for groups but men will be offered additional support whilst waiting for a group to commence.

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