Working with men who perpetrate family violence and abuse (Group 5) | No To Violence

No to Violence is delivering a four-day foundational training for professionals and practitioners who work directly with men who choose to use violence and abuse. This training will provide practitioners with the early skills, knowledge and confidence to interrupt abusive attitudes, and engage in meaningful conversations that work to move men choosing to use violence […]

Disability and Sexual Assault in the Context of Family Violence | Sexual Assault Services Vic


Sexual Assault Services Victoria, Safe and Equal and No to Violence have partnered to host a workshop to enhance practice capability when responding to sexual assault with a disability lens. The 3-hour workshop will include a focus on sexual assault in the context of family violence, aligned to the MARAM framework. This workshop is aimed […]


Disability and Sexual Assault in Context of Family Violence | No to Violence


Sexual Assault Services Victoria (SASVIC), Safe and Equal and No to Violence (NTV) have partnered to host a workshop to enhance practice capability when responding to sexual assault with a disability lens. The workshop will include a focus on sexual assault in the context of family violence, aligned to the MARAM framework. This work is […]


Working with men who perpetrate family violence and abuse (Group 5) | No To Violence

No to Violence is delivering a four-day foundational training for professionals and practitioners who work directly with men who choose to use violence and abuse. This training will provide practitioners with the early skills, knowledge and confidence to interrupt abusive attitudes, and engage in meaningful conversations that work to move men choosing to use violence […]

Working with men who perpetrate family violence and abuse (Group 5) | No To Violence

No to Violence is delivering a four-day foundational training for professionals and practitioners who work directly with men who choose to use violence and abuse. This training will provide practitioners with the early skills, knowledge and confidence to interrupt abusive attitudes, and engage in meaningful conversations that work to move men choosing to use violence […]

Working with men who perpetrate family violence and abuse (Group 5) | No To Violence

No to Violence is delivering a four-day foundational training for professionals and practitioners who work directly with men who choose to use violence and abuse. This training will provide practitioners with the early skills, knowledge and confidence to interrupt abusive attitudes, and engage in meaningful conversations that work to move men choosing to use violence […]

Ethical Care in Online Group Work | No to Violence


The focus of this learning program is: • The implementation of online group programs in the MBCP context. It supports multi-intervention approaches unique to online group work facilitation and the required program and practice changes where online MBCPs become necessary. • The central importance of family safety, practice skills/interventions and the required technological considerations and training skills […]


Specialist Practice – Skills for Working Online with Men Using Family Violence | No to Violence


The focus of this learning program Specialist Practice - Skills for Working Online with Men Using Family Violence is: * to build confidence for practitioners wanting to transfer their skills into delivering into the online individual and group work environment * to provide opportunities to practice using technology-mediated software It is highly recommended that all […]


Working with men who perpetrate family violence and abuse (Group 3) | No To Violence

No to Violence is delivering a four-day foundational training for professionals and practitioners who work directly with men who choose to use violence and abuse. This training will provide practitioners with the early skills, knowledge and confidence to interrupt abusive attitudes, and engage in meaningful conversations that work to move men choosing to use violence […]

Working with men who perpetrate family violence and abuse (Group 3) | No To Violence

No to Violence is delivering a four-day foundational training for professionals and practitioners who work directly with men who choose to use violence and abuse. This training will provide practitioners with the early skills, knowledge and confidence to interrupt abusive attitudes, and engage in meaningful conversations that work to move men choosing to use violence […]

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