Overview of housing needs in Frankston City | Frankston City Council


Frankston City Council invites you to attend a briefing session to explore the latest housing trends and needs in Frankston City and how they are changing over time.  The session will provide an overview of the data, including supply, demand and affordability as well as a demonstration on how to use the Housing Monitor tool […]

Parity Launch: “Safe at Home” March 2023 Edition | Council to Homeless Persons

Queen Victoria Women's Centre Trust 210 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Council to Homeless Person invites you to the launch of the Parity: “Safe at Home” March 2023 Edition. The program includes keynote speakers, learning from lived experience and a moderated panel discussion with Q&A. Click here to register  

Youth Homelessness Matters Day

Youth Homelessness Matters Day (YHMD) is a national day that was conceived in 1990 to raise awareness and public discussion about child and youth homelessness. Over the years, it has grown into a national celebration of young people’s resilience and an important day of advocacy for sustainable and innovative solutions to support the needs of children and young […]

Help Put Youth Homelessness to Bed | Melbourne City Mission

Join us for this year’s Sleep At The ’G, MCM’s flagship fundraising event where each year, compassionate Victorians come together in support of thousands of young Victorians who are without a safe place to call home. Your one uncomfortable night sleeping at the MCG will provide comfort and security for a young person without a […]

3Rs of Family Violence Training for Moteliers | FVREE

FVREE Ringwood Ringwood, Victoria, Australia

Recognising the unique and essential role moteliers play in providing accommodation to people experiencing family violence, FVREE have designed this collaborative training experience with you in mind. Expanding on the well known 3Rs of Family Violence training and the Recognise, Respond and Refer framework this training is also designed to engage moteliers and their teams […]


3Rs of Family Violence Training for Moteliers | FVREE


Recognising the unique and essential role moteliers play in providing accommodation to people experiencing family violence, FVREE have designed this collaborative training experience with you in mind. Expanding on the well known 3Rs of Family Violence training and the Recognise, Respond and Refer framework this training is also designed to engage moteliers and their teams […]


The Renters’ Rights Rundown: Making sense of evictions | Victorian Council of Social Service


We know Victorian renters are facing extremely tough conditions in the rental market. In this context, having knowledge to prevent evictions is a critical protection against homelessness. VCOSS is holding an online sector briefing for workers wanting to learn about evictions or to refresh your memory on renters’ rights under the Residential Tenancies Act 1997. Click […]


Networking Forum and Expo | SHSN

Malvern Valley Public Golf Course 1 Golfers Drive, Malvern East, Victoria, Australia

The key goal of the forum is to foster networking, relationship building and information sharing among members leading to improved service coordination. Great for staff who are new to homelessness and for long term staff to reconnect and learn about new services. Click here to register


Victorian Homelessness Conference | Council to Homeless Persons

The Victorian Homelessness Conference occurs every two years and is an opportunity for Victoria’s specialist homelessness sector to come together to share, discover, and learn over two jam-packed days.  It is a not-to-be-missed event for practitioners, policy makers, frontline workers, managers, and those with the experience of not having a home to learn about the latest […]

Victorian Homelessness Conference | Council to Homeless Persons

The Victorian Homelessness Conference occurs every two years and is an opportunity for Victoria’s specialist homelessness sector to come together to share, discover, and learn over two jam-packed days.  It is a not-to-be-missed event for practitioners, policy makers, frontline workers, managers, and those with the experience of not having a home to learn about the latest […]

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