MARAM Collaborative Practice & Information Sharing Training
MARAM Training
Which MARAM Training to attend?
View the MARAM training map and the MARAM Training Decision Tree to work out which MARAM training to attend.
Preliminary Training: For practitioners new to family violence work
Family Violence Foundations is a 6–8-hour self-paced course, which provides a common starting point for professionals seeking to develop necessary skills to undertake a family violence response role.
MARAM Brief and Intermediate Training
MARAM – Brief and Intermediate
This training is suitable for professionals whose purpose of intervention is linked to family violence but not directly focused on family violence. You may be engaging with people in crisis situations, or at high risk of experiencing or using family violence. This training focuses on working with victim survivors.
-MARAM for AOD, homelessness and designated mental health workforces
This training is aimed at professionals whose purpose of intervention is linked to family violence but not directly focused. (Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare)
MARAM Identification and Screening Training
MARAM – Identification and Screening
This training is suitable for all professionals who may identify family violence is occurring and who engage with people in a one-off, episodic or ongoing service environment and are in a position to identify or screen for family violence. This training focuses on working with victim survivors.
MARAM Comprehensive Family Violence Risk Assessment and Management
MARAM Comprehensive Family Violence Specialist -Renewing Practice from CRAF to MARAM
This training is only suitable for experienced family violence specialists who have extensive experience, and who have previously completed specialist CRAF training. This training focuses on working with victim survivors. This training is for professionals who work in a specialist capacity across the integrated service system.
-MARAM Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Management Module
This training is suitable for new family violence specialists and/or those who have not previously completed specialist CRAF training. This training focuses on working with victim survivors. This training is for professionals who work in a specialist capacity across the integrated service system.
MARAM Leading Alignment
MARAM Leading Alignment training
This training is suitable for organisational leaders‚ CEOs, Directors or senior managers across all organisations/ agencies prescribed under the MARAM. The training promotes an understanding of the MARAM Framework including key strategies and requirements such as practice, policies and procedures necessary to align with MARAM.
MARAM Collaborative Practice
MARAM Collaborative Practice training is suitable for all professionals and focuses on collaborative practice and the foundational aspects of MARAM. It will enable practitioners to contribute to risk assessment and collaborate for ongoing risk assessment and management.
MARAM Training for DFFH
New MARAM training modules are available for Department of Families Fairness and Housing, Department of Health workforces and sector funded organisations on the WOVG website via Training includes a Family Violence Foundation eLearn, Screening and Identification and Brief and Intermediate courses, and a range of training that has been developed through the Strengthening Hospital Responses to Family Violence (SHRFV) initiative.
Collaborative Practice Training
In our training you will explore how to contribute to risk assessment and how to collaborate for ongoing risk management through respectful and sensitive engagement with victim survivors, information sharing, referral and secondary consultation. This is not risk assessment training, but forms an integral component of the MARAM suite of training for professionals responding to family violence.
We run a Collaborative Practice Training session every month. See our Training Calendar for dates of when training is being run next.
MARAM Collaborative Practice Training FAQ
What is MARAM Collaborative Practice Training?
The MARAM Collaborative Practice training focuses on both collaborative practice and the foundational aspects of MARAM that enable collaboration. The training enables professionals to contribute to risk assessment and collaborate for ongoing risk management, through respectful and sensitive engagement with victim survivors, information sharing, referral and secondary consultation.
Who should come to this training?
The training is available to all professionals who respond to family violence in the Bayside Peninsula Region. While relevant to professionals from prescribed and non-prescribed organisations, given the availability of other MARAM training at the time of its release, the training is best suited to professionals from Tiers 2, 3 and 4 of the Victorian Government Responding to Family Violence Capability Framework (2017). This training is designed for practitioners, but is also useful for team leaders and managers who are responsible for embedding MARAM within organisations and through external partnerships. Organisations should be guided by Family Safety Victoria resources in determining the relevant roles, responsibilities and training requirements of their staff.
What are the learning outcomes for this training?
Participants who attend the training will be able to:
- Describe the MARAM Framework including responsibilities that drive collaborative practice across the service system
- Apply the four elements of structured professional judgement to their practice
- Outline how information sharing can enhance collaborative practice
- Outline their responsibilities under the MARAM and information sharing reforms
- Describe what collaborative practice is and differentiate between practice, organisational and system enablers
- Apply intersectionality to enhance practice by examining personal privileges and oppressions
- Explain how to use collaborative practice to maintain perpetrator visibility
- Apply knowledge of evidence based risk factors
- Plan strategies to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all victim survivors including children
- Develop a collaborative risk management plan
- Implement effective processes for secondary consultation and referral within the local service system.
Which of the MARAM Responsibilities does the training cover?
The training aligns with the MARAM Foundation Knowledge Guide and the following responsibilities:
- Responsibility 1: Respectfully and sensitively engage with service users
- Responsibilities 5 & 6: Information sharing with other services (as authorised by legislation), secondary consultation and referral
- Responsibilities 9 &10: Contribute to coordinated collaborative risk management including ongoing assessment.
Should I come to this training instead of the other MARAM training?
No. This is NOT risk assessment training. You will also need to attend other MARAM training relevant to your role. MARAM training will be delivered by government departments (‘Brief & Intermediate’ and ‘Screening & Identification’) and by Safe+Equal (Comprehensive and Leading Alignment).
I have attended other MARAM training. Is this still training still relevant to me?
Yes. The MARAM Collaborative Practice training sits alongside the other MARAM modules. It does not replicate the content of the other sessions, but enhances professional’s understanding of collaborative practice under the MARAM.
Are there any prerequisites for attending the training?
Yes. In attending this training, it is expected you will have:
- Read the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework: Foundation Knowledge.
- Watched Helping end family violence – the Information Sharing Schemes and MARAM film (3
Information Sharing Training
Which Info Sharing Training to attend?
View the Information Sharing e-learning Modules Overview to work out which training to attend.
Info Sharing Training
All training for the information sharing reforms are accessed through the Information Sharing and MARAM Online Learning system. To enrol in this training, you will need to sign up and log in to the system
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