In 2022 the comprehensive responsibilities (Responsibility 7 and 8) of the Adults Using Family Violence MARAM Practice Guides were released. Responsibility 7 (Comprehensive Risk Assessment) contains guidance for determining the predominant aggressor and the Predominant Aggressor Identification template. As part of our comprehensive responsibilities, specialist family violence practitioners working with victim survivors and people using violence will be required to undertake this work.  

Safe and Equal have developed an organisational toolkit to assist specialist family violence victim survivor services with implementation of this MARAM work. This toolkit is aimed at leadership in specialist family violence services.

To find out more or to receive a copy please email [email protected]


Do you work with adults using family violence in your role? This new MARAM offering from Safe and Equal is suitable for all professionals who may identify family violence is occurring and who engage with people in a one-off, episodic or ongoing service. This training focuses on working with adults using family violence. 
During this training, you will learn to identify indicators for a person likely to be using family violence by observation of common narratives and behaviours. You will also learn how to respond according to your roles and responsibilities and will be supported to use the Identification Tool.  

Who can attend? 

All professionals who may identify family violence is occurring and who engage with people in a one-off, episodic or ongoing service.

Click here for more information

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