inTouch provides services, programs and responses to family violence in migrant and refugee communities.

WHISE is the Regional Women’s Health Service for the Southern Metropolitan Region

WAYSS supports people who are at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness or family violence due to family violence in Dandenong, Casey, Cardinia, Mornington Peninsula & Frankston.

Victoria Police provides policing services to the Victorian community across 54 Police Service Areas, within 21 divisions and four regions.

The Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA) is a state-wide Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) servicing children, young people, families, and community members. The largest of its kind in Australia.

SECASA is the largest family violence and sexual assault service provider across the south-east metropolitan Melbourne.

The Salvation Army domestic violence outreach workers can provide secondary consultation and information and some are involved in community education and Primary Prevention programs.

TaskForce is a not for profit supporting Victorians in need, with a focus on drug and alcohol misuse, youth and family services, education and employment.

Peninsula Community Legal Centre is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that has been providing free legal services to Melbourne’s south-eastern communities since 1977.  The Centre helps people use the law to protect and advance their rights, offering free advice on most legal issues, including family law, family violence, fines, tenancy and rooming house advocacy. Ongoing assistance is targeted to assist clients who are experiencing disadvantage.

Peninsula Health Community Health provides a broad range of affordable services for people living in Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula.

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