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About the Bayside Peninsula Integrated Family Violence Partnership (BPIFVP)

The Bayside Peninsula Integrated Family Violence Partnership (BPIFVP) was established in 2006 to improve the integration of services, playing a vital role in the transformation of service delivery and community responses to family violence. Since it’s inception the BPIFVP has played a system leadership role focused on increasing the safety of victim survivors and accountability of perpetrators.

Regional integration governance structures have been underpinning the delivery of family violence reform for well over a decade. FVRICs play a key strategic leadership role in developing a more effective family violence service system. We do this by strengthening system integration and supporting the implementation of the Victorian Government’s family violence reforms. As one of thirteen area-based cross sector committees representing government and non-government agencies, family violence services, children and family services, Victoria Police, justice and legal services, housing, community, and health services, the BPIFVP provides leadership, advocacy, and specialist expertise to strengthen, integrate and improve the family violence system and help end family violence across the Bayside Peninsula Area.

We do this by supporting workforces and building family violence literacy across different service sectors, and influencing and advocating for positive change.

Our work is guided by the Strategic Plan

Members work together under a common Statement of Purpose – The Partnership Agreement and FVRIC Guidelines

The work of the Partnership is driven by the Leadership Group and the Partnership members group.

The appointment of members as representatives is premised on the basis they effectively represent the service sectors that are fundamental to service system integration.

Time limited, task focused working groups assist the members to complete actions identified in the BPIFVP 12 month action plan. The full BPIFVP membership group meets  bi-monthly and a smaller Leadership Group meets in the alternate months. Task focussed Working Groups meet monthly to implement the actions identified  in the Annual Action Plan.

At the Statewide Level, the BPIFVP is represented by the Statewide Family Violence Integration Advisory Committee (SFVIAC) which comprises all Principal Strategic Advisors, (PSA)s. The SFVIAC provides a representative to the Family Violence Reform Advisory Group (FVRAG), associated working groups and other statewide forums and policy discussions with government and peak bodies

The purpose of the Leadership Group is to provide leadership and high level decision making  to the Bayside Peninsula Family Violence Partnership.

Meetings are held monthly chaired by the BPIFVP Chair or the Deputy Chair

Decisions made within this meeting are taken to the full partnership meeting for consultation and endorsement.

The group membership includes

  • Chair – BPIFVP
  • Deputy Chair – BPIFVP
  • Principal Strategic Advisor
  • Auspice Agency
  • Two Victim Survivor Advocate members

The purpose of this group is to lead the implementation of the Strategic Plan and
Support the Principal Strategic Advisor

Partnership working groups provide leadership and specialist knowledge to implement the Annual Action Plan.

Membership comes from the  BPIFVP member organisations. The focus for these groups is on sharing resources and working together to achieve agreed outcomes.

The Working groups develop individual action plans that align with BPIFVP Strategic Plan and Annual Action Plan

Each FVRIC develops a 3-year Strategic Plan showing the alignment of local objectives with statewide policy and reform priorities. The Strategic Plan describes the key objectives and anticipated outcomes in relation each of the five strategic priorities for FVRICs:

  • Strategic Priority 1: Leading initiatives that support service integration and system improvements groups.
  • Strategic Priority 2: Supporting the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of family violence reform initiatives
  • Strategic Priority 3: Developing an evidence base to inform planning, prioritisation of system improvement initiatives and advocacy for system change
  • Strategic Priority 4: Building workforce capacity
  • Strategic Priority 5: Effective cross-sector governance for system leadership

See the current BPIFVP Strategic Plan

An Annual Action Plan documents the activities and initiatives to be undertaken in relation to each of the priorities and objectives identified in the Strategic Plan in that period.  It will advise on practice and operational issues impacting on services identify opportunities for addressing emerging issues and trends implement relevant actions in the strategic plan.

Our recent newsletters and partnership emails can be read here

To subscribe to our newsletters and to stay up to date with all BPA family violence news, use the subscribe option below.

The Bayside Peninsula Integrated Family Violence Partnership acknowledges the strength and resilience of those who have experienced family and domestic violence, and the bravery of those who use their voices, experiences and advocacy to inform responses to family violence. We also honour those who are prevented from coming forward by the enormity of the trauma they suffered, and those whose voices can longer be heard.

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